Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Where's the good stuff?

Today was not a banner day for my "day job." Sadly, the kid wasn't even that bad, but those moans. Any parent who deals with teething can tell you that the moans really take it out of you. Well, that and if you're blessed with a hyper communicative and active child like mine, the constant motion. She doesn't sit still. The tricky thing is she's pretty advanced. She walks/runs on her own. She climbs stairs and just about any surface she puts her head to, and often, she does just that... puts her head to those surfaces.

We started today with a glorious high cheekbone check to the corner of an outdoor brick step. She wasn't even climbing this time. Just walking, then whoops, lost her balance and caught the mug on the corner. Broke skin and gave herself one hell of a shiner. Never mind that I'm now worried about anyone at swim class later calling Child Services on me, but she is also resistant to icing the swelling. After some coaxing with a boob and a gently placed ice pack, she gave me a few moments to nurse the bruise.

Anyway, she fought her nap then was great for swim class. Actually, she cried through half the lesson and from back floating onward was great. She did her typical clap and squeal dance on the lillypad portion of the lesson. This is likely only to be understood by the other parents in her Waterworks Aquatics swim class. But to say the least, she had fun.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, after getting her prepped for class at home (swim diaper, suit and dress on), I took her out of her seat at the destination and found she'd peed clear through her diaper and all through her car seat. Brilliant! Best part was she got to sit in said car seat on the way home too...

So, what else? Besides eating the whopping quantities of lunch foods I brought her for play group, she then picked at everyone else's food like a stray dog begging for scraps. Once she had her fill of that, she'd run off in the direction of the playground for a few turns on the slide. Mind you, I am trying to actually have a conversation with another mother at the time whose child seems content to stay in our general area. I realize that I'm hovering a bit, but I try to keep in mind that while she acts like a toddler, she's only a year old.

Onto the good stuff... there were baby Chihuahuas at the park and they were adorable! I got lunch in and hope to grab a small nap before the second nap is over for baby. I have a quick dinner plan for later. I indulged in my white trash dessert du jour, graham crackers and icing. And sweetly, while I was reading bedtime stories after the second fought nap attempt, R held my hand. Let's reboot and see where the rest of the day takes us.

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