Well, as you can imagine, I've been busy with life. Lil ole baby R is now a "pre-tween" (her words) doing remote learning as we are still locked down in a global pandemic from southern California. It's weird. It's a strange life we're all living, but especially so as a young learner and only child. R gets restless and lonesome and homebody tendencies followed by mass needs for attention. She's not around other kids much. I'm not around adults much, but for my husband, but I had my childhood. I can manage. Plus, I'm finally releasing my next full studio album and it's been a series of ups and downs. I've made great PR gains at a time when there are fewer folks releasing music and I'm putting one more thing out that folks may stream once and move onto the next attention grabbing song. It makes one wonder what it is all for. I do love writing and recording and releasing music. I've never been great at commodifying my talents and for that reason, I've had side hustles (and I'm very interested in many things, not just music). But all my side hustles have been on lockdown for the most part too, so I'm mainly momming, house running, dog mama-ing and promoting my album, Torch & Trouble. I haven't even written anything new in a while. I've been reading, which is a nice past time. And I do a weekly happy hour zoom call with my besties that helps to keep me connected, along with calls to my family across the country. It's weird, like I said. I'm hoping (given it's a political year) that things will change up and we may once again walk toward a more inclusive and positive cultural direction from the last 4 years. I may dedicate more time to politics besides my performances in fundraisers after the album is out a few weeks. I can try to do both. I can try to do all things. I'll likely fail, make mistakes, have some moments of grace, succeed occasionally, breathe and try again...
For those who may want to check out the new album, which I believe is my best ever, and could conceivably be my last full album, you can find links here for pre-save, which will be direct links to the music after Aug. 28..
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