Thursday, August 15, 2013

In the rush of all that is

It's been a week and I feel it... I've been busy with a bunch of stuff that includes work and relaxing with family, both very much needed. Wherever shall I begin?

Well, I was recently introduced to a friend of my pal/fellow musician Shannon Curtis who is organizing a great project for an app he's building. The basic gist is he puts together a photographer and a musician to inspire a new song based on the images of the other. Let me begin by stating emphatically that I LOVE THIS KIND OF PROJECT! I love it for the spontaneity. I love the collaborative spirit. I love music that stems from imagery. I love the ART of the creation. So often, I personally get in the head space of "Well, let me write a [enter genre or popular artist name here] song." It's a challenge, but when you strip away commercial leanings and get to the heart of a song for art's sake alone, I get goosebumps.

I did a similar project like this a few years back for Esopus Magazine in Spring 2010. That time, each artist had to write a song about a particular visual artist and that was the only criterion. I went directly to my main man, Ernst Kirchner, highlight of the German Expressionist movement of the early 1900s. I always loved his depictions of the Ladies of the Night in turn of the century Berlin. I also write most of my songs with a strong feminist viewpoint, so it seemed like serendipity. You can hear a sample of the tune here.

I was lucky to get a series of photographs that depict a small French riverside town at day break. The shots are all black and white. It casts a sombre vibe and seems both epically romantic and lonesome. I LOVE that dichotomy and I can't wait to develop this song. I've sketched out the basic form and chords. I have ideas for lyrics, melody and harmony. I'm doing little bits each day so that every night, I can listen to where it is and see how I react to it. It's growing slowly, but I can't imagine a song like this inspired by those shots could grow any other way.

On a completely different musical note (pun intended), I learned that one of my older tunes, Fly, appeared in a reality TV show about fashion designer Betsey Johnson. Once again, my worlds overlap. As many of you know, I've worked off and on as a fit model for about 7 years, I honestly can't remember exactly. So, if there was ever a nice coincidence, I'd say that might be it. Plus, the tune is my "house" track, so that is probably appropriate for fashion as well.

Speaking of fashion and fit, it appears I'll be working my annual sub gig for a fellow fit model and Burner who is off to Black Rock Desert for Burning Man in a couple weeks. I met up with this woman a few weeks back and I have to say, I love her enthusiasm for the event and the costumes and the playa identity building. I remember being there myself a few lifetimes ago and I can definitely get steeped in heavy nostalgia for my days as part of the Funkmobile or Church of Funk camp in Fandango Village.

And on the topic of getting away, my fam and I went on our annual trip to a guest ranch near Solvang, CA. My hub and I went last year while R was only 8 weeks old. Needless to say, there was a lot of lump in the ergo carrier that year. One mega highlight was I caught her first ever smile on camera in our room. We were excited to return to the wide open spaces and family-centered working ranch (complete with pool, lakes, golf course and spa) with our little bundle of excitability. She loved the entire trip. She made a beeline to the fenced in pool every day repeating "pool, pool, pool!" Did I mention this girl loves her swimming lessons? She also visited the slides 2-3 times a day and repeatedly squealed with joy on each descent. She got to the point where she'd let go and push herself off the top to the bottom. She ran around in large grassy fields, explored new landscaping, got mauled by her very enthusiastic older cousins and, I think, had a great time. We all had some much-needed together time and unplugged from the hectic city distractions. And don't even get me started on the weather... perfect! I sang some karaoke. The baby rocked some pink cowgirl boots and boogied down to Johnny Cash being covered by the hoedown band. We even got a babysitter so my husband and I could hang out after the baby was down, outside the room. It reminded me what a little time outside the "routine" could do for us all.

Finally, I have to say that R is in a great place right now. She's laughing and funny. She equally performs for attention and snuggles for affection. We've been very close, playing and singing together. I bought her a drum like one she likes from a Mommy and Me class we take, and she just about lost her gourd. She's banging the mallets on this mini tympani one minute, shreiking and climbing on its head the next. I love it when I get it right like that. Then a fellow musician/father friend of mine made a comment on a video message that I need to grow up and stop saying I'm a terrible mother, that in fact, I'm probably a great mother. I like hearing that. I don't know about the growing up part, but I like thinking that I'm doing the best I can and maybe the best is actually pretty damn good.

I am hoping that each post talks a little bit more than just about the "where I've beens" or "what I'm doings" in my life. I am down in writing songs so I think a bit more of my meditative side is going to that end. It will return as much as it always does with time.

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